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A Silent Threat: Ocean Acidification in the UAE and other GCC countries

Author: Dr. Juan Pablo Torres-Florez

The Arabian and Oman Gulf, a vibrant marine ecosystem teeming with life, faces a silent threat – ocean acidification. Our oceans play a vital role in regulating the Earth's climate. They act as a giant "carbon sink," absorbing roughly a quarter of the carbon dioxide (CO2) released from human activities. However, this CO2 reacts with seawater, forming carbonic acid, which alters the ocean's natural...

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In-vitro Embryo Production in Dromedary Camels

Author: Dr. Nabil Mansour

The Dromedary camel (Camelus dromedaries) holds significant importance owing to its remarkable ability to yield high-quality meat, milk, and wool even amidst harsh environmental conditions. Additionally, camels serve indispensable roles in transportation, racing, and agricultural draft work. In recent years, the establishment of highly mechanized camel dairy farms across different countries reflec...

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AI-Powered Urban Evolution: Revolutionizing Smart Cities for Tomorrow

Author: Dr. Selim Carlos Parrilla

In the ever-evolving landscape of urban development, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is paving the way for a monumental transformation in smart cities worldwide. This synergy between AI technologies and urban infrastructure is not merely enhancing efficiency but reshaping the very fabric of sustainability, connectivity, and citizen well-being. Smart cities are on the brink of a rev...

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"Revolutionizing Environmental Monitoring: Groundbreaking Insights from Bee-Based Research"

Author: Dr. Fouad Lamghari Ridouane

Fujairah Research Centre unveils pioneering findings from its environmental pollution project, conducted in collaboration with global research centres from the Medibees Program, showcasing the transformative potential of bees in environmental monitoring. With a focus on sustainability, the research highlights bees' role as innovative indicators of pollution, offering insights into water sustainabi...

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Mushrooms Biochar Native plant Research

Author: Dr. Franscois

To date, food security is considered a big challenge for human population. With this regard, mushroom cultivation could be one of the alternative ways to cope with food shortage. Mushrooms play significant role for the ecosystem, environment, and human health. Considering the function play by mushrooms in the ecosystem, these latter are involved in the nutrients cycling, and they help plant up tak...

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