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AI for a Greener Future: Balancing Technological Advancement and Environmental Sustainability

Author: Engr. Simon Zerisenay Ghebremeskel

In the rapidly evolving technological landscape of today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands out as a central theme, particularly in the context of environmental sustainability. AI's capabilities in enhancing efficiency, minimizing waste, and fostering innovation make it a pivotal tool in addressing environmental challenges and steering us towards a more sustainable future. This is a key aspect o...

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Pollen Identification in Honey

Author: Sachin Ashok Porob

Honey, that golden elixir produced by honeybees, is not merely a sweet delight; it is a complex mixture of sugars, enzymes, and botanical compounds derived from the nectar of various flowering plants. The identification of pollen in honey is a scientific endeavor that unveils the intricate botanical tapestry hidden within this natural sweetener. This process is crucial for understanding the ge...

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AI-Enhanced Earth Observation: Revolutionizing Environmental Conservation with Remote Sensing and GIS

Author: Engr. Simon Zerisenay Ghebremeskel

The rapid pace of global change places our environment at the forefront of these shifts. Human activities, notably climate change and deforestation, are having increasingly visible impacts, necessitating immediate action. The crucial role of remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in our efforts to comprehend and preserve our environment cannot be overstated. Traditionally, remote...

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Mushrooms cultivation and native plants research

Author: Dr. Francois Mitterand Tsombou

World population is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years; such expectable increment in human population is predicted to significantly affect the natural resources. Meeting the food demand for the increasing population from the limited land resource is a big challenge. Therefore, it seems very important and urgent to correlate human population growth and food production to avoid food shorta...

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How the artificial intelligence is changing our world

Author: Dr. Selim Parrilla

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been a transformative force in various industries, reshaping the way we work, communicate, and live our lives. One of the most fascinating aspects of AI is its ability to replicate human thinking processes. In this blog, we will explore how AI is changing the world by emulating human cognition and the profound implications this has for our society. Mimicking Human...

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