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Everyone likes the hamour, but does the hamour like everyone?

Author: Dr. Fouad Lamghari Ridouane

This exemplifies why native species are crucial for aquaculture in the Emirate. These species are finely tuned to local conditions, thus mitigating environmental impact and safeguarding biodiversity. Cultivating them not only upholds local culture and traditions but also generates economic opportunities for communities. By prioritizing native species, we ensure sustainable aquaculture practices, n...

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Discovering Soil Insights for Sustainable Vegetation Development in the Fujairah, UAE

Author: Dr. Shaher Bano Mirza

Soil is the bedrock of life, the foundation upon which ecosystems flourish, and the cornerstone of agricultural productivity. Yet, despite its critical importance, soil data coverage remains inadequate across large swathes of the globe, posing significant challenges for sustainable land management and food security. This glaring data gap is particularly pronounced in arid regions like the United A...

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Unlocking the Power of Honey By-Products: Exploring Nature's Hidden Treasures

Author: Khawla Alyammahi

Honey, often hailed as nature's sweet elixir, is not only prized for its delicious taste but also for its numerous health benefits. However, beyond the honeycomb lies a wealth of hidden treasures – honey by-products that are rich in medicinal value and nutritional content. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of honey by-products, including royal jelly, beeswax, pollen, and pr...

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A Silent Threat: Ocean Acidification in the UAE and other GCC countries

Author: Dr. Juan Pablo Torres-Florez

The Arabian and Oman Gulf, a vibrant marine ecosystem teeming with life, faces a silent threat – ocean acidification. Our oceans play a vital role in regulating the Earth's climate. They act as a giant "carbon sink," absorbing roughly a quarter of the carbon dioxide (CO2) released from human activities. However, this CO2 reacts with seawater, forming carbonic acid, which alters the ocean's natural...

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Essential Data Handling Procedures in Modern Laboratories

Author: Simon Zerisenay

In the rapidly evolving landscape of scientific research, the precision and reliability of data handling procedures in laboratories have become more critical than ever. Modern laboratories, whether engaged in pharmaceutical development, clinical trials, environmental testing, or academic research, face the challenge of managing an ever-increasing volume of data. This data, which forms the backbone...

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